Panamá : (507) 834-5940 | Costa Rica : (506) 4001-5940

Partnership Program

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You do not need more … This program consists of a way to give back a percentage of profit to all strategic partners to bring technology projects ITSales and that they should eventually ITSales implemented by the client.


Fill registration form with updated information by clicking here … . Post-registration will be doing to get an account and password for the registration of the opportunities arising within the company’s CRM.
Print and Signature of Non-Disclosure Agreement between the Allied and ITSales. The contract can be found on the following URL The contract must be signed and returned by fax + + 506 24522331 or email
The ally must be registered as a natural or legal person in the Ministry of Finance, this in order to issue invoices or receipts for professional services for the payment of commissions. The commissions will be canceled only against invoices or receipts delivered to the company headquarters on behalf of IT Sales SA.
Read with care and detail herein, whether you agree with everything set up and want to finalize the enrollment in the program, the partner must print this document and obtain the signature of the person authorized to sign, it must be sent by fax to 24522331 or scanned as an image and emailed to the account, once received ITSales legal representative shall be signed and return the document signed by both parties to ally.


Commission on projects that have been referenced under the terms of distribution of money and with the procedure established for this purpose.
Use ITSales Infrastructure and human resources to support ITSales Pre-sales process with customers.
Increase the percentage of commission based on the number of referenced projects that have been sold to customers.

Procedure for reporting opportunities.

Report the opportunity at the following URL with all information related to opportunity, contact and account. Note: To make a report of this opportunity to use the user account created and assigned to the registration ally from the ally.
ITSales keep the information of the opportunity given to the account of the Allied and all emails, original information and offers related to the opportunity to be documented in the CRM for the partner has access to it when required.
If the project is won and sold to final customers, the Allied will receive a commission based on the following table for calculating annual fees.

Additional information regarding the committees:

The calculation of the percentage of fees is made on specific opportunities for the calendar year, beginning January first and ending on December 31.
Ally initiates the relationship the first year with a 5% commission and as is increased, year after year, the sales amount of concrete opportunities may be increasing their commission percentage.
The commission rate is reviewed annually, using the results to determine the percentage of commission that will work New Year’s ally.


Ally start the first year with a commission of 5% if the end of that first year sales were $ 60K ally the second year work with a commission of 10% as stable commission calculation table. In the same way year after year run, where the space will result in establishing the commission to be used in the new year.

Commissions will be paid in their respective share in the final payment of the customer. This will be completed once all the hardware delivery process and project implementation under the conditions established with the client.

The calculation of the commission will be held on the balance of the invoice less the commission percentage of the ally, does not include the money from the commission to make the calculation thereof.


Ally created an opportunity that materialized for a total of $ 22K, $ 12K of which correspond to hardware sales and $ 10K from sales of services. If the ally is in the third range, a 10% on sales of services and a 3% annual turnover for the hardware.

In the case of Hardware, 100% of hardware sales falling to $ 12K, you remove the 3% of their commission to the invoice amount to calculate his commission, leaving the amount to which is calculated his commission in $ 11.6K, thus leaving a commission of $ 349.2 for the sale of hardware.

In the case of service, 100% of hardware sales falling to $ 10K will be removed 10% of its commitment to the invoice amount to calculate his commission, leaving the amount to which is calculated $ 9K in their commission, thus leaving a $ 900 commission for the sale of customer service.

In this case the partner would receive a total commission of $ 1249.20 for the entire project.

The opportunities to have an ally and who fail to materialize by the end of the period, December 31, will remain as new opportunities for the next new year.

The opportunities are realized in a year and are completed in one calendar year will be canceled using the commission’s current partner when the opportunity was forthcoming.

The partner will be able to sacrifice part of their commission, under a written confirmation from the partner, this in order to make it more attractive to the end customer and project closing.

General information on the agreement of allies:

The conditions in this agreement may vary over time, if this was previously given notice to be allies of the changes made and the date of the new conditions.
The new conditions will apply on the opportunities that have been reported in the CRM but have not been specified and all the new opportunities from the effective date.
ITSales reserves the right to terminate the agreement of allies in the time it deems appropriate and under the sole discretion of the company where it considers that the relationship has somehow affected the interests of the business.
In case of termination of partners, unpaid commissions ITSales honor cancellation of concrete opportunities, yes under the payment terms described in the current agreement. Likewise, opportunities that have not entered been specified will be honored if they even 3 months after the end of the relationship of allies.
ITSales reserves the right to accept an ally as part of its allies and booking information related to the decision making of non-acceptance of the ally.

This agreement is signed by the partner on the day of the month of _____________ ___ year _____. This agreement is signed by SA IT Sales ___ day of the month of ____________ year _____.


This agreement must be signed in person if the person who signed as an ally in case of legal person and the legal representative of the partner company.

________________________________               __________________________________

Harold O. Rojas Q                                                                   Name  _________________

For ITSales S.A.                                                                       By Ally

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