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Commission System for ExactusERP


The committee system is a software developed under Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 using the C # language as development language. The product is an extension module that uses ExactusERP functional information system to maintain a policy of commissions that are stored in our data structures created for the commission system. These new data structures are stored in the system database and identifies ExactusERP because they are listed with the prefix “ITSCOM_” preceded by the owner or company where the product is installed.

The last user of this product is the person within the company is responsible for operation and maintenance of pay commissions owed ​​cancel the sales force and the generation of information related to the payment of commissions to vendors.


The configuration of the connection parameters and parameters calculation is performed using a XML configuration file called Comisiones.exe and is in the same directory where the application is installed.

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[/ tab]

Policy Management To maintain a policy should open the system and click on the tab of the system called “Policies” tab shown in the list of policies created.

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The policy maintenance screen, displays the same fields when you are adding a new or modifying an existing policy.

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commissions policies can be related in three dimensions with ExactusERP information:

• Clients: The policy is associated to one or more clients and codes previously defined within ExactusERP. If a paper invoice for the customer related, will be used to define policy commission rates that apply.

• Agents: The policy is associated with one or more codes and predefined agents within ExactusERP. If an invoice document corresponds to a related agent, is used to define policy commission rates that apply.

• Families: The policy is associated with one or more family codes as previously defined within ExactusERP. If an invoice document contains product lines of different families, the family is used to identify the product that is related policy and use the same calculation for the respective committee.

The data that is used as family corresponds to one of the 6 fields named as clasificación1 to classification6 that are within the ExactusERP maintenance items.

The field that was decided to use is defined in a configuration XML file named “Comisiones.EXE”. A policy may have multiple relationships, they can be added to one of the aforementioned three dimensions, or to a combination of dimensions. It allows political relations with dimensions on the following combinations:

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Not allowed to have a duplication of an identical relationship to two different policies to avoid ambiguity Data Rate.

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A query that displays on a single screen all relationships that are created in the system.

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This query shows all records of relationships that are created in the system for all policies.Captura de pantalla 2013-02-18 a las 11.06.16

By default whenever the application loads of commissions, the same type of default to TAB commission calculation.Captura de pantalla 2013-02-18 a las 13.00.38 
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